影片主角是在世界上拥有极高声誉的动物学家珍·古道尔,她二十多岁时前往非洲的原始森林,为了观察黑猩猩,在那里度过了三十八年的野外生涯,后来常年奔走于世界各地,呼吁人们保护野生动物、保护地球环境。 导演布...
带你走近美丽的西藏。© 北京世界知识音像电子出版社本节目共5集……01 心中的圣湖02 快乐牧民03 千年藏香04 朝拜路上05 学生次仁的一天
The story of the 140,000 Chinese workers who left their homes and came to war-torn Europe in 1917 an...
《川味2》延续了第一部的拍摄模式,用时间的力量,记录美味的发生,用独特的手法展现美味最具诱惑的瞬间,影片从川菜的名菜开始,到民间风味,再到那些封藏在山间田野的食材,彬歌带着镜头与一群对美食执着的人,为大 家道出美味是如何发生的。 是一部探讨中国人与美食的关系的食物纪录片。 自2012年精心筹备3年后才启动的美食系列片,影片旨在为众多热爱川菜的吃货们带去最具诱惑力的美食影像。
Perú: tesoro escondido is a documentary genre film about the secrets of Perú. The millinery culture of their ancestors, the beautiful landscapes, the tourist places and other places not yet discovered by the tourism and culinary culture, one of the richest in the world, stands out in this story. The documentary tells a story of a journey through culinary culture, beaches, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of the civilizations that inhabited Peru. Throughout the film, part of the geography and society of Peru is portrayed. The documentary focuses on five main areas: culinary culture, beaches, the Cordillera, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations. This story focuses on highlighting the best known icons of the country, such as Machu Picchu, and others not so well known and difficult to access. The film is dressed with impressive images of the Ica desert and the sunrise in the Amazon jungle.
Rebecca Miller’s film is a portrait of her father, his times and insights, built around impromptu interviews shot over many years in the family home. This celebration of the great American playwright is quite different from what the public has ever seen. It is a close consideration of a singular life shadowed by the tragedies of the Red Scare and the death of Marilyn Monroe; a bracing look at success and failure in the public eye; an honest accounting of human frailty; a tribute to one artist by another. Arthur Miller: Writer invites you to see how one of America’s sharpest social commentators formed his ideologies, how his life reflected his work, and, even in some small part, shaped the culture of our country in the twentieth century. An HBO Documentary Film.
ATOMIC HOMEFRONT reveals St. Louis, Missouri's atomic past as a uranium processing center for the Atomic bomb and the governmental and corporate negligence that lead to the illegal dumping of Manhattan Project radioactive waste throughout North County neighborhoods. Our film is a case study of how citizens are confronting state and federal agencies for the truth about the extent of the contamination and are fighting to keep their families safe.
陳錫煌,已故布袋戲大師李天祿的長子。李天祿因入贅陳家,長子按規定得姓陳。父親巨人般的身影、異姓父子的特殊關係,為兩人種下難解心結。2009 年,高齡七十九歲的陳錫煌離開家族庇蔭,只帶著紅盒子內供奉的戲神田都元帥,用自己的名字另創劇團,成為深獲國內外肯定的人間國寶。然而,傳統布袋戲的快速沒落,卻又讓他面臨空有一身絕學、慷慨授藝不藏私,可是後繼者寥寥可數的困境⋯⋯。 楊力州愛看布袋戲,工作室取名「後場」,意指拍紀錄片一如為布袋戲敲鑼打鼓的樂陣,是在陪襯鏡頭裡的精彩人生。《紅盒子》製作歷時十年,不只紀錄八旬長者的傳承使命、探究兩代國寶間的矛盾,更以大銀幕展現老師傅為戲偶注入靈魂的掌中技藝,企圖將傳統布袋戲的獨特魅力,重新帶回常民生活。 Chen Hsi-huang is the eldest son of Li Tien-lu, the renowned Taiwanese glove puppeteer, but his relationship with his father had always been strained. At the age of 79, Chen set up his own troupe, which soon earned recognition all over the world. Nevertheless, Chen finds no one to pass on his great skills... 本片與2010年為NHK剪輯的一小時內版本不同
Rebels on Pointe is the first-ever, cinéma vérité documentary film celebrating Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo -- the all male, drag ballet company founded over 40 years ago on the heels of New York's Stonewall riots. The company has performed in over 500 cities and 33 countries, and has a cult following around the world. The film juxtaposes exclusive, behind-the-scenes access and intimate, character-driven stories of its dancers, highlighted by amazing performances shot around the world. Rebels on Pointe ultimately celebrates our shared humanity through universal themes of identity, dreams, family, love, loss, determination and resilience... proving that a ballerina is not merely a woman dancing, but an act of revolution in a tutu.
一部关于Shining乐队Niklas Kvarforth眼中的精神疾病的艺术短片,是对这位与自杀、吸毒和自毁主题密不可分的音乐人的个人展现。
《强岛》(Strong Island) 导演:扬斯·福特(Yance Ford) 入围2017年圣丹斯电影节纪录片单元
A documentary about Ben Bradlee, the iconic editor of The Washington Post.
A BBC Storyville BFI archive film about a century of gay rights, desires and history, with a soundtrack by John Grant and collaborators.