Horizon: The Truth About Looking Young Plastic surgeon Dr Rozina Ali leaves the operating theatre behind for the frontiers of skin science and asks if it is possible to make your skin look younger without surgery. She discovers the latest research about how the foods we eat can protect our skin from damage, and how a chemical found in a squid's eye is at the forefront of a new sun protection cream. She also finds out how sugar in our blood can make us look older, and explores an exciting new science called glycobiology, which promises a breakthrough in making us look younger.
奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn),1929年5月4日出生于比利时布鲁塞尔,英国电影和舞台剧女演员。她炫目的美貌背后,是一段不为人知的关于背叛、勇气、心碎和梦想幻灭的传奇
The second season was also set on Vancouver Island, in Quatsino Territory, located near Port Hardy, ...
The Real Superhumans and the Quest for the Future Fantastic is a two hour long special from the Disc...
This show delves in to true Canadian crime stories by speaking with the detectives that lead the cha...
1912年,泰坦尼克号沉船后,幸存者被救至纽约港口,受到英雄般的礼遇。然而,有六名中国幸存者却因为当时美国施行的《排华法案》,在24小时之内被驱逐出境,就此消失于历史的尘埃中。他们的逃生经历遭到当时西方媒体毫无根据地大肆诋毁,污蔑他们“贪生怕死”、“伪装成女人躲在救生艇”…… 一百多年过去了,尘封的故事终于被揭开。当泰坦尼克号和船上乘客的经历广为流传、家喻户晓的时候,几乎没有人知道那艘船上也有中国人,他们是如何逃生的?真的像当年西方媒体描述的那样用了不堪的手段才得以幸存吗?真相究竟是什么?在当时复杂的历史背景与艰难的生存环境下,他们之后又去了哪里?我们将追踪这六人的人生轨迹,寻访他们的亲人后代,还原被掩盖一个世纪的历史真相。这个故事不仅是属于他们六人的生命之歌,也是20世纪初海外华人多桀命运的缩影。
Two Fearless Men Getting Stung and Bit by the Most Dangerous Animals in the World to Create the Ultimate Guide to Measuring Pain.
The series will feature real-life crime cases and the cutting-edge forensic science used to solve them.
Samadhi Part 1 is the first installment in a series of films exploring Samadhi, an ancient Sanskrit word which points toward the mystical or transcendent union that is at the root of all spirituality and self inquiry.