The rise of Stalin, from his early beginning as a bankrobber to the cold-blooded leader of the Soviet Union. Who was Stalin? The man who defeated Nazism? The “Little Father of the Peoples"? Or the greatest criminal of his time? In Apocalypse Stalin, three 52-minute episodes, Isabelle Clarke and Daniel Costelle paint the portrait of one of the fiercest despots of the twentieth century, using archive film of the day. This footage has been perfectly restored and beautifully colorized by the Apocalypse production team. Starting with the fight to the death against Hitler, the series tells the story of the incredible rise to power of Joseph Jughashvili. This cobbler's son from Georgia started with nothing and made his way up the ranks through various intrigues and crimes, ultimately rising to absolute power and adopting the moniker Stalin - “man of steel" in Russian. From a human standpoint, the series describes the enormous tragedy that befell the Soviet people between 1878 and 1945, as they found themselves caught in a trap that became a living hell.
在每个人的掌握中, 作为失落的伊甸园可到达的形式, 每个人都来到大自然中寻找避难所。各行各业的人都有权利在这里: 富人、穷人、法国人、外国人、异性恋、一个人或有人陪、老派或时髦。森林是一个被城镇围绕的岛屿: 一个由疲惫的市民虚构的海市蜃楼。住在这个城市所遇到的困难被抛在脑后。在这里, 我们治愈, 我们玩耍, 我们开心, 我们做梦。整个季节里, 这一系列的交流都围绕着每个人所想象的乌托邦。 As a reachable form of a lost Eden within everyone's grasp, everybody comes to the Bois de Vincennes to seek refuge in Nature. People from all walks of life have the right to be here: rich, poor, french, foreign, gay, straight, alone or accompanied, old school or hip. The Woods are an island surrounded by the towns that encircle it: a mirage dreamed-up by a fatigued city-dweller. The difficulty of living in the city is left behind. Here we heal, we play, we have fun and we dream. Throughout the seasons, the series of exchanges speak of this utopia that everyone imagines for him or herself. 2015 国际人权电影节 最佳长篇纪录片/荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片节 最佳巡回影片
Du jour de la rentrée à la kermesse qui marque la fin de l'année scolaire, portrait de M. Burel, instituteur qui s'apprête à prendre sa retraite. Maître d'une classe de plusieurs niveaux, à Saint-Just-et-Vacquières, petit village du Gard, Jean-Michel Burel s'efforce de donner confiance à ses élèves, pour mieux les aider à grandir. Pour cet homme, également maire de sa commune, la tolérance et la sagesse s'enseignent en effet au moins autant que l'orthographe, la grammaire et l'arithmétique. Ancienne élève de ce professeur atypique, la réalisatrice a tenu à rendre hommage à un homme qui l'a profondément marquée...